Here is a selection of some of the bird stamps available. The stamps listed here are used and specially selected for light postmarks, except where it is stated that they are mint. The mint stamps are all unmounted.
There is a longer email list of bird stamps, available on request. Please contact me at if you would like the email list.
See also: Main Index, Birds (by country), Wild Animals, Farm Animals, Cats, Dogs, Reptiles and Amphibians, Fish and Water Life, Butterflies and Other Insects, Botanicals, World Art and Culture, Transport, Sports, Miscellaneous
1968 Birds
1d Sunbird £0.05 mint
1970 Rand Easter Show
Same design as 1968 set
1s6d Shrike with overprint for the show £0.65, CTO
1975 Birds
The 1t, 2t and 3t are small.
1t Snipe £0.50
2t Sandgrouse £0.50
3t Quail £0.35
The stamps below are large, and the 10t to 30t are shown here.
10t Spur-winged goose £0.40p
15t Denham’s bustard £0.50p
20t Comb duck £0.55p
30t Helmeted guinea fowl £0.20
50t Pygmy goose £0.45
K1 Garganey £2.10
1987 Wattled Crane
15t Two cranes £0.15
1988 Birds
20t Twinspot £0.05
30t Cuckoo £0.05
40t Shrike £0.05
50t Flycatcher £0.35
1k Lemon dove £0.30
2k Hornbill £0.40
4k Crowned eagle £0.65
10k Robin £0.85
2008 Birds
A minisheet with a set of four stamps, showing an Owl, a Woodpecker, a Goldfinch and a Canary. Price: £0.55 for the minisheet with set of four, CTO
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1965 Birds
Four of this set are shown here.
25c Crested wood partridge, 30c Blue-backed fairy bluebird, 50c Black-naped oriole, 75c Rhinocerous hornbill, $1 Zebra dove, all at £0.05 each
$2 Great argus pheasant £0.10
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1977 Birds
The 1L is shown here.
1L Lesser frigate birds, 2L Crab plover, 3L White-tailed tropic bird, 4LShearwater, and 5L Grey heron, all £0.10 each, mint, or £0.35 for the five, a saving of £0.15
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1971 Plants and Birds
5d Blue rock thrush £0.05
1981 Birds
3c Barn owl £0.05
8c Warbler £0.10
1991 Birds
10c Falcon £0.50
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1965 – 1968 Birds
The designs for these Mauritian birds first came out in 1965, and were reissued with an overprint ‘self-government’ in 1967, when the tropic bird came out. They were reissued for a third time in 1968 with different background colours.
If you only want the pictures of the birds, you could go for the cheaper 1965 ones. The others tend to have more appeal for serious collectors, though personally I think the 1967 blue background for the 3c Fody is more attractive than the 1965 one with the brown background.
1965 Birds
The 2c, 3c and 10c are shown here.
2c Bourbon White-Eye (yellow background) £0.05 3c Rodriguez Fody (brown background) £0.05 5c Paradise Flycatcher £0.10 10c Mauritius Fody £0.05
1967 Bird
2c Red Tailed Tropic bird £0.50
1967 Birds
Designs as for 1965, but with ‘self-government’ overprint The 4c is shown here 2c Bourbon White-Eye £0.10 3c Rodriguez Fody £0.15 4c Olive white-eye £0.15
1968 Birds
Designs as for 1965 but with different background colours.
The 3c is shown here.
2c Bourbon White-Eye (olive background) £0.95 3c Rodriguez Fody (blue background) £1.75
I have a few more of these 1965-1968 birds, including some higher face values, please ask.
1989 Environmental Preservation
30cs Common greenshank £0.20
More Mauritian bird stamps available, please ask.
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1976 Protected Birds
10m Osprey, 20m Griffon vulture, 30m Lammergier, 40m Marsh harrier and 60m Cinerous vulture.
These are the first five in a set of seven stamps.
Price: £0.40 for the five, CTO.
1987 Swans
60m Mute swan in water, 60m Mute swan on land 60m Tundra swan, 60m Tundra and Mute swan
Price: Set of four, £0.85, mint
1988 Sea Eagle
60m Eagle landing, 60m Eagle on branch,
60m Eagle on rock, 60m Eagle (horizontal)
Price: Set of four, £0.90, mint
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1985 Audubon Leaders
Set of four joined pairs, eight stamps, £0.65 for the complete mint set showing eight different birds: Blue warbler, Palm warbler, Bobolink, Lark sparrow, Chipping sparrow, Oriole, Goldfinch, and Grosbeak.
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1997 Jackass Penguin
St Post Penguins calling, $1 Incubating egg $1.10 Adult with chick, $1.50 Penguins swimming Set of four £0.70, mint
1997 Flora and Fauna
The 40c Bee-eater, 50c Dove and 60c Vulture are shown here, together with the 20c flower stamp.
40c Bee eater, 50c Laughing dove and 60c Vulture, and St Lovebird, all at £0.05 each.
90c Hornbill and $1 Roller at £0.10 each.
The 10c, 20c, 30c flowers from this set are also available at £0.05 each or £0.10 for the three.
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1985 Hawks and Herons
60c Heron £0.35, mint
1985 Audobon Leaders 1st issue
Set of four joined pairs, eight stamps, £0.70 for the complete mint set showing eight different birds: Bluebird, Cardinal, Kingfisher, Mangrove cuckoo, Yellow warbler, Cerulean warbler, Burrowing owl, and Long-eared owl.
1985 Audubon Leaders 2nd issue
Set of four joined pairs, eight stamps, £0.65 for the complete mint set showing eight different birds: Bunting, Kinglet, Flicker, Tanager, Thrush, Grosbeak, Warbler and Oriole.
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New Hebrides
1977 Birds
10c Dove £0.10, mint
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New Zealand
New Zealand issues Health stamps which include a surcharge to help fund the health service. Some of these early health sets featured birds.
1959 Health
2d Grey Teal £0.15, mint
1960 Health
2d Kingfisher and 3d Pigeon
Price: £0.40 for the set of two, mint.
1964 Health
2.5d Seagull and 3d Penguin
Price: £0.35 for the set of two, mint
1966 Health
3d Bell Bird and 4d Weka rail
Price: £0.40 for the set of two, mint
1977 Health
7c Girl and pigeon, £0.15
1982 Birds
30c Kakapo £0.05
40c Mountain duck £0.10
45c Falcon £0.10
$1 Kokako £0.10
1988 Native Birds
Six of this set are shown here.
5c Crake £0.15
20c Yellow head £0.10
30c Silver eye £0.10
40c Kiwi £0.15
45c Wren £0.10
50c Kingfisher £0.20
60c Cormorant £0.20
80c Penguin £0.35
80c Falcon £0.40
90c Robin £0.45
1996 Extinct Birds
40c Stout-legged wren £0.15
More New Zealand bird stamps available, including more bird health stamps, please ask.
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1965 Various themes
2d Weaver bird £0.45
6d Stork £0.10
9d Grey parrots £0.20
1s Kingfishers £0.05
1993 Wildlife
5N Stanley crane £0.15
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1998 Blue-crowned lory
10s Lorikeet nestlings
55s Feeding on flowers
$3 Pair on branch
£3.75 for the three, mint
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Oman, Sultanate of Oman
1982 Flora and fauna
100b Arabian chukar £0.35
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1979 Pheasants
1r Cheer pheasant £0.50
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1965 Birds
1c Toucan, 2c Macaw, 3c Woodpecker,
4c Grey tanager, 4c Troupal 6c Crimson tanager
Price: £0.50 for the set of six, CTO.
1967 Wild Birds
1/2c American darter, 1c Quetzal, 3c Motmot 4c Aracan, 5c Macaw, 13c Kingfisher
Price: £0.75 for the set of six, CTO.
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Papua New Guinea
1967 Parrots
5c Papuan Lory £0.05
1973 Birds of Paradise
7c Queen Carola’s Parotia £0.10
1977 Birds
7c Crowned pigeon £0.05
1998 Birds
25t Sooty Owl £0.10
More Papuan bird stamps available, please ask.
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1964 Birds
Poland was one of the first countries to develop thematic stamps, and produced some very striking early designs, such as this 60g Osprey, and 90g Heron. Price: £0.05 each.
More available from this set, please ask.
1975 Birds of Prey
1z Male lesser kestrel, 1z Female lesser kestrel, 1.50z Male red-footed falcon, 1.50z Female red-footed falcon, 2z Hobby and 3z Common kestrel.
Price: £0.30 for the six, CTO.
1977 Endangered Animals
The stamps in this set have a silver border.
1.50 Bustard and 1.50 Kestrel
Price: £0.05 each
1985 Wild Ducks
5z Teal, 5z Garganey, 10z Tufted duck, 15z Goldeneye, 25z Eider and 29z Pochard.
Price: £0.75 for the set of six, mint.
More Polish stamps available, please ask.
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1971 Fauna
1d Cormorant £0.75 mint
3d Flamingos £0.75, mint
1972 Birds
1d European roller £0.40 mint
2d Kingfisher £0.40, mint
3d Rock thrush £0.40, mint
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1967 Birds of prey
10b Barn owl £0.05
40b Saker falcon £0.05
More Romanian bird stamps available, please ask.
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1992 Ducks Minisheet
This set depicts a 1r Garganey, a 2r Pochard and a 3r Teal. The minisheet has nine stamps, and is 13cm by 16cm. It comes with an attractive border, and would look good in a frame.
Price: £0.85 for the minisheet with nine stamps, mint.
More Russian bird stamps available, please ask.
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